Recording an Album with a school

This project varies in size, time commitment and school interaction, and depends upon what the school is willing to do, and what you are able to do.

  • A live recording of a concert. This is simplest where you capture the sound of a school performance on to computer/CD/mp3/multi-track device.

  • Song by song recording. This is done a bit at a time, usually in school and requires good organisation with the school. It may simply involve a group singing along to a CD track. It is a bite size version of live recording, except the group can have several tries at getting it right.

  • For people with sound engineers in the congregation, there is also multi-track recording which involves mixing several vocals and music.

For those churches without specialist expertise, there is a Christian Charity called ‘Pop Connections’ who the church can fund to come in and work with the church and the school on this project, culminating with a live concert in the church as well as a CD for the children to take home.

The classes can use this project in many ways; designing covers, using technology to print CD's, budgeting, selling and advertising even to create virtual world tours, and design sets and outfits!


Prayer Spaces in Schools


Bible Alive